The E2R system of crates and pallets is designed to promote the use of the original container from the boat for marketing fish.
Their design, easy washing and perfect fitting make them economical to reuse. Having reached the point of sale, E2R crates are returned to the starting point of the circuit and, once they have been washed and disinfected, they are ready to start the circle again.
E2R system - Steps
Well-established system where the delivery of crates to the fishing vessels or exporters is fast and efficient.
The wholesaler avoids repackaging and is able to send the fish directly to the market, which reaches the consumer faster and with an improved appearance.
Both the buyers and TEPSA retrieve used boxes from the market which, after being washed and disinfected, are returned to the circuit.
Prevent repackaging at the port
Using the same crate allows the fish go directly from the boat to the point of sale without any manipulation.
Fast delivery
Specialisation in the fishing industry, large production capacity and a logistic operator, all of which guarantee the speed and efficiency of the delivery and return service.
Minimise costs
Repackaging adds costs to the process of marketing fish both for intermediaries and consumers.
Guaranteed return of used crates
Used crates are repurchased. Crates still in use undergo a strict process of washing and disinfection. Broken crates are recycled and used for the manufacture of by-products.
Improve quality
By not manipulating the fish its freshness and original appearance is guaranteed until it reaches the final consumer.
Contribute to sustainable development with recoverable, reusable and recyclable crates and pallets
E2R is the most environmentally friendly system, for it promotes packaging reuse, thus avoiding single-use containers such as those made out of wood, polystyrene or carton.